
Internal crises in professional services firms

Communication relating to sensitive issues affecting consulting professionals

We Law Care provides assistance to regulated professionals (lawyers, notaries, chartered accountants, etc.) during their internal and external crises.

Departures, harassment, internal irregularities, cyber-attacks... Professional services firms are confronted with many situations that can heavily and durably damage their image and reputation in the long term.

Our experts help prepare consulting professionals and support them at every stage of the crisis.

Business case

Internal crises in professional services firms

In the context of the simultaneous departure of 35 lawyers, of which 5 partners, we were asked to assist a historic Parisian law firm.

Turning a serious internal crisis into a minor event in order to reassure the firm’s clients and professionals. 

We immediately set up a crisis unit to define the firm’s communication strategy. Together, we developed the speech elements, confident and reassuring for the future. We appointed the firm’s spokesperson. We then identified all communication channels and supported the firm in all its relations with the specialist press, in particular through precise and targeted mediatraining. We set up a calendar for the firm’s news: internal co-optations, upcoming events, publications on the expertise of the firm’s lawyers, a new visual identity and a new website.

From the very beginning, the firm mastered its message both internally and with journalists, and particularly with its clients. Communication via the press was consistent and strong. The implementation of a calendar of the firm’s new developments and latest news enabled it to overcome rumors and be identified as an evolving firm. Any potentially negative effect on the firm’s image was therefore avoided thanks to the support of crisis communication professionals.




Transforming an internal crisis into minor information